Posts Tagged With: cultural groups

Peek into the Louries Class today.

Today the Grade 5’s began their 3-day Integrated Learning Task which focusses on the indigenous cultural groups of South Africa. The children, in small groups, will do research and present their findings in the form of an informative dramatic play on Friday. Working in groups is exciting and fun, but has its challenges too! Delegating responsibilities, listening to each other’s ideas, being willing to make compromises, and working to deadlines are important life-skills that our Grade 5’s are learning in the process.

Juaneque's group busy on their research.

Juaneque’s group busy on their research.

Abigail and Giam planning their presentation.

Abigail and Giam planning their presentation.

Putting energy into their presentation.

Emily’s group putting energy into practising their presentation.

Tyra's group working together brilliantly!

Tyra’s group working together brilliantly!

Keenan practising his part.

Keenan and Jordan practising their parts.

Nissi and Emma dramatising what they have learnt.

Nissi and Emma dramatising what they have learnt.

Botho, Caitlin and Mimi finetuning ideas and making decisions.

Botho, Caitlin and Mimi finetuning ideas and making decisions.

At the same time, the Louries are busy with a Natural Science project in which the germination of the bean seed is being studied. Regular observations are being made and detailed notes and diagrams are being kept up to date.

Thomas checks his beans.

Thomas checks his beans.

Emma is very pleased with her bean's progress.

Emma is very pleased with her bean’s progress.

Britt wonders why her beans are taking their time to grow.

Britt wonders why her beans are taking their time to grow.

Tomorrow we are off to Builders Warehouse to investigate modern building materials and their prices, in preparation for a Mathematics activity. Apart from mathematical skills, listening and observation skills will be necessary in order to complete this assignment successfully!

We wish our talented and resourceful Grade 5’s all the best for the next two days of their busy ILT!

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